Corazón intentaba hablarme,
-Hace mucho que no te oigo, porque me hablas ahora corazón?-le pregunte
Pero me olvide que corazón es tan egoísta que solo responde aquello que le conviene escuchar
-Corazón deberías protestar en todo momento y no solo cuando te sientes ignorado-.
Le dije esperando alguna contesta suya
Mientras que los miembros de mí comité y yo analizábamos el problema.
Llegamos a la conclusión de que corazón quiere toda la participación
En las decisiones de mi persona, alegó que es una parte muy importante y
Que sin el no viviríamos, buena coartada!, lo tomare en cuenta – pensé para mi
en lo que escuchaba a cada quien exponer su punto de vista.
El caso a discutir es que habíamos planteado detener la búsquedaY quedarnos con los cometas recolectados,
Corazón se negó, desde el principio de la expedición
Apoyo la idea de alcanzar la luna, -ohh mi preciada luna-pensé con añoranza
en lo que alguien vocifero sin ni siquiera asomar la cara:-nuestros cometas se escapan corazón! solo por buscar lunas que ni siquiera
Sabes si algún día nos pertenecerán! No ves que nos ponemos viejos
En una travesía que trasciende las leyes de las sociedades y todas las
Barreras del hombre?!
Todos los miembros del comité hicieron un sepulcral silencio
Hasta yo misma me asuste, quien hablo? ni idea!
Corazón tan infantil como siempre solo se hecho a llorar
-Es que me cuesta funcionar cuando me siento a medias -contesto corazón-
-solo la ilusión de mi Luna me mantiene con vida
ninguno de los presentes soportamos ver llorar a corazón
ninguno de los presentes soportamos ver llorar a corazón
así que prorrogamos la reunión para otro día
...hoy solo me limitare a ver el sol, ahora soy yo quien no quiere escuchar a nadie!
... ni siquiera a corazón que pocas veces me habla.
15 comentarios:
What would it be like to watch the moon without heart? But I guess u need some time out even if its just for a while, dealing with heart can be excruciating and I know he makes you cry I know sometimes you want to die but do you really feel alive without it?...You cant
u right is imposible!.. feel alive without it! but sometimes is better just dont listen to him cuz he can make u do really crazy stuff.
Thanx 4 the comment..
oh! not at all...I have one last question though, and I was wondering...do u really think is the heart that makes one do crazy stuff??
yeah i think so! because your heart dosnt think, only feel and when you do those things that everybody think is crazy you dont use ur mind you only follow ur heart cuz when you use ur mind u start to thing in the people around u, in the society, in everybody but you, but heart only want to be happy thats why makes you do things that looks crazy to others.
pero bueno no escribo muy bien en ingles! :P pero creo k entiendes!
Wow, a good debate can...ok ok, lets see
Persona: 4 anos
Persona: 13 anos
Persona: 18 anos
Persona 28 anos
Persona 38 anos (right? bear with me for a moment here)
Corazon: en todo edad piensa igual, solo quere felicidad. Un persona de 4 anos no interpret lo que el corazon dice como un persona de 38 anos. So it tells you "I want happiness" but what you do its what your knowledge and experience allows you to do. Therefore the crazy stuff that one does its one choice, the problem might be that the society is not ready for what the heart wants so people are not ready to do right what the haert has been saying in the first place...i dont know, are u following me? Many sorry for my insistance
exacto!!! youre with me! when u really follow your heart is like when u go back to your childest and you just be happy doing whatever u want and what really comes from INSIDE yourself no matter if u r beable o ready to do it.no matter what everybody else thinks. you just enjoy everything , ..but while u grow up u begin to getting knowledge, education , Responsibility , and many times you just ignore your heart and star to do what everybody else want you to do and star to acting like everybody else want to, and not what ur really want to.. till ur heart talls to u and tell you . its ok now i want some partipacion in the desicions i need to be happy to keep you alive. thats why heart is like chidl because does not know about reasons, knowledge , society ect.
.... and its ok i love your insistance!
Thx!!! Its so nice of you, glad we're in the same page now, I would love to go on and on discussing this matter with you. Luv your writing and who you really are puzzles me even though im the one without name.
no, thx you! is really lovely to know you follow my writing, i love to discuss about those things, a lot!
who are your by the way?! i will love to know . :)
"I am he as you are he as you are me
and we are all together"
Im just someone who has something in common with you and that is "love to discuss about those things, a lot!". Nothing more...nothing less
jajaja ur georgeos!
ooooooh, you are gooood!!! I almost believed that, I even was about to uncover myself. Nice try :oP.....Seriously, big thx
hasta los comments tan interesantes...=)
HAHA siiii!
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